Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1980-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 80s)
Номинанты премии журнала "Локус" 1985 года
1985 Locus Award Nominations :
НФ роман (SF novel) :
1) The Integral
Trees, Larry Niven (Del Rey) - Ларри
Нивен "Интегральные деревья"
2) Demon, John Varley (Berkley/Putnam)
3) Heechee Rendezvous, Frederik Pohl (Del Rey) - Фредерик Пол "Встреча с Хичи"
4) Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand, Samuel R. Delany (Bantam)
5) Chanur's Venture, C.J. Cherryh (Phantasia; DAW)
6) Across the Sea of Suns, Gregory Benford (Timescape)
7) West of Eden, Harry Harrison (Bantam) - Гарри
Гаррисон "Запад Эдема"
8) Neuromancer, William Gibson (Ace) - Уильям
Гибсон "Нейромантик"
9) The Final Encyclopedia, Gordon R. Dickson (Tor)
10) City of Sorcery, Marion Zimmer Bradley (DAW)
11) Icehenge, Kim Stanley Robinson (Ace)
12) The Peace War, Vernor Vinge (Bluejay) - Вернор
Виндж "Война с 'Миром'"
13) World's End, Joan D. Vinge (Bluejay)
14) Clay's Ark, Octavia E. Butler (St. Martin's)
15) The Adversary, Julian May (Houghton Mifflin) - Джулиан
Мэй "Враг"
16) The Wild Shore, Kim Stanley Robinson (Ace)
17) Heretics of Dune, Frank Herbert (Gollancz; Putnam)
18) Emergence, David R. Palmer (Bantam)
19) A Day for Damnation, David Gerrold (Timescape)
20) Native Tongue, Suzette Haden Elgin (DAW)
21) Green Eyes, Lucius Shepard (Ace)
22) Free Live Free, Gene Wolfe (Mark V. Ziesing)
23) Star Rebel, F.M. Busby (Bantam)
24) Dr. Adder, K.W. Jeter (Bluejay)
25) The Man Who Melted, Jack Dann (Bluejay)
26) The Glamour, Christopher Priest (Jonathan Cape)
27) The Practice Effect, David Brin (Bantam)
28) "Steam Bird", Hilbert Schenck (F&SF Apr,May 84)
29) Them Bones, Howard Waldrop (Ace)
30) Circumpolar!, Richard Lupoff (Timescape)
Фэнтези-роман (fantasy novel):
1) Job: A Comedy
of Justice, Robert A. Heinlein (Del Rey) - Роберт
Хайнлайн "Иов, или Осмеяние Справедливости"
1) Vampire Junction, S.P. Somtow (Donning)
2) Damiano's Lute, R.A. MacAvoy (Bantam)
3) Raphael, R.A. MacAvoy (Bantam)
4) The Talisman, Stephen King & Peter Straub (Viking) - Стивен
Кинг, Питер Страуб "Талисман"
5) The Infinity Concerto, Greg Bear (Berkley)
6) Gilgamesh the King, Robert Silverberg (Arbor House)
7) The Ladies of Mandrigyn, Barbara Hambly (Del Rey)
8) Enchanter's End Game, David Eddings (Del Rey)
9) The Businessman, Thomas M. Disch (Harper & Row)
10) Bearing an Hourglass, Piers Anthony (Del Rey)
11) Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn, Piers Anthony (Del Rey)
12) Castle of Wizardry, David Eddings (Del Rey)
13) Mythago Wood, Robert Holdstock (Gollancz)
14) Who Made Stevie Crye?, Michael Bishop (Arkham House)
16) Cards of Grief, Jane Yolen (Ace) - Джейн
Йолин "Карты печали"
17) The Hero and the Crown, Robin McKinley (Greenwillow)
18) Maia, Richard Adams (Viking UK; Knopf)
19) Nights at the Circus, Angela Carter (Chatto & Windus; Viking)
20) Brisingamen, Diana L. Paxson (Berkley)
21) Moonheart, Charles de Lint (Ace)
22) The Third Book of Swords, Fred Saberhagen (Tor)
23) Fire and Hemlock, Diana Wynne Jones (Greenwillow)
24) Half a Sky, R.A. Lafferty (Corroboree)
25) The Ceremonies, T.E.D. Klein (Viking)
26) The Bishop's Heir, Katherine Kurtz (Del Rey)
27) The Beggar Queen, Lloyd Alexander (Dutton)
Первый роман (first novel):
1) The Wild Shore,
Kim Stanley Robinson (Ace)
2) Neuromancer, William Gibson (Ace) - Уильям
Гибсон "Нейромантик"
3) Emergence, David R. Palmer (Bantam)
4) Green Eyes, Lucius Shepard (Ace)
5) Them Bones, Howard Waldrop (Ace)
6) Valentina: Soul in Sapphire, Joseph H. Delaney & Marc Stiegler (Baen)
7) The Riddle of the Wren, Charles de Lint (Ace)
8) The Ceremonies, T.E.D. Klein (Viking)
9) Frontera, Lewis Shiner (Baen)
10) Procurator, Kirk Mitchell (Ace)
11) Palimpsests, Carter Scholz & Glenn Harcourt (Ace)
12) The Alchemists, Geary Gravel (Del Rey)
13) The Game Beyond, Melissa Scott (Baen)
14) Divine Endurance, Gwyneth Jones (Allen & Unwin)
15) Elleander Morning, Jerry Yulsman (St. Martin's)
16) Winter's Daughter, Charles Whitmore (Timescape)
17) Demon-4, David Mace (Granada)
Большая повесть (Novella):
ENTER[]", John Varley (Asimov's May 84) - Джон Варли "Нажмите "ВВОД"
2) "The Scapegoat", C.J. Cherryh (Alien Stars)
3) "The Ballad of the Flexible Bullet", Stephen King (F&SF Jun
84) - Стивен
Кинг "Баллада о блуждающей пуле"
4) "The Blister", Frederik Pohl (F&SF Sep 84)
5) "A Traveler's Tale", Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Jul 84)
6) "Trinity", Nancy Kress (Asimov's Oct 84)
7) "Marrow Death", Michael Swanwick (Asimov's mid-Dec 84)
8) "Young Doctor Eszterhazy", Avram Davidson (Amazing Nov 84)
9) "The Sweet Sad Queen of the Grazing Isles", Frederik Pohl (Pohlstars)
10) "In the Sumerian Marshes", Gerald Pearce (Amazing Sep 84)
11) "The Greening of Bed-Stuy", Frederik Pohl (F&SF Jul 84)
12) "The Unconquered Country", Geoff Ryman (Interzone #7 Spr 84)
13) "Some Are Born Great", J.A. Lawrence (Amazing Jan 84)
14) "Cyclops", David Brin (Asimov's Mar 84)
15) "Floodtide", Ben Bova (Analog Mar 84)
Малая повесть (Novelette):
1) "Bloodchild",
Octavia E. Butler (Asimov's Jun 84)
2) "The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule", Lucius Shepard (F&SF
Dec 84)
3) "Blued Moon", Connie Willis (Asimov's Jan 84)
4) "The Lucky Strike", Kim Stanley Robinson (Universe 14)
5) "With a Little Help From Her Friends", Michael Bishop (F&SF
Feb 84)
6) "The Kindly Isle", Frederik Pohl (Asimov's Nov 84)
7) "Silicon Muse", Hilbert Schenck (Analog Sep 84)
8) "Summer Solstice", Charles L. Harness (Analog Jun 84)
9) "Bad Medicine", Jack Dann (Asimov's Oct 84)
10) "Black Coral", Lucius Shepard (Universe 14)
11) "Foreign Skins", Tanith Lee (Tamastara)
12) "Freedom Beach", John Kessel & James Patrick Kelly (F&SF
Aug 84)
13) "Trojan Horse", Michael Swanwick (Omni Dec 84)
14) "Draco, Draco", Tanith Lee (Beyond Lands of Never)
15) "Demon Lover", M. Sargent MacKay (F&SF Jun 84)
16) "Promises to Keep", Jack McDevitt (Asimov's Dec 84)
17) "Slowly, Slowly in the Wind", Rob Chilson (Analog Apr 84)
18) "A Message to the King to Brobdingnag", Richard Cowper (F&SF
May 84)
19) "Twilight Time", Lewis Shiner (Asimov's Apr 84)
20) "Three Days", Tanith Lee (Shadows 7)
21) "Another One Hits the Road", Pat Cadigan (F&SF Jan 84)
22) "Five Mercies", Michael Conner (F&SF Mar 84)
23) "We Remember Babylon", Ian Watson (Habitats)
Рассказ (Short Story):
1) "Salvador",
Lucius Shepard (F&SF Apr 84)
2) "The Crystal Spheres", David Brin (Analog Jan 84) - Дэвид Брин "Хрустальные сферы"
3) "The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean, Everything", George Alec Effinger
(F&SF Oct 84)
4) "A Cabin on the Coast", Gene Wolfe (F&SF Feb 84)
5) "Bright Burning Tiger", Tanith Lee (Asimov's Jan 84)
6) "Ridge Running", Kim Stanley Robinson (F&SF Jan 84) - Ким
Стенли Робинсон "Прогулка по хребту"
7) "Criticality", Frederik Pohl (Analog Dec 84)
8) "Armageddon Between Sets", Edward Bryant (F&SF Sep 84)
9) "The Map", Gene Wolfe (Light Years and Dark)
10) "A Troll and Two Roses", Patricia A. McKillip (Faery!)
11) "Tourist Trade", Robert Silverberg (Playboy Dec 84)
12) "Kitemaster", Keith Roberts (Interzone #1 Spr 82; Amazing Jan
13) "Dinner Party", Gardner Dozois (Light Years and Dark)
14) "Sunken Gardens", Bruce Sterling (Omni Jun 84)
15) "Bodies", Joanna Russ (Extra(ordinary) People)
16) "Out of Time", Ben Bova (Omni Nov 84)
17) "At the Embassy Club", Elizabeth A. Lynn (Omni Jun 84)
18) "Fears", Pamela Sargent (Light Years and Dark)
19) "New Rose Hotel", William Gibson (Omni Jul 84)
20) "Heat of Fusion", John M. Ford (Asimov's Sep 84)
21) "When the Music's Over...", Michael Swanwick (Light Years and
22) "Morning Child", Gardner Dozois (Omni Jan 84)
23) "The Affair", Robert Silverberg (Playboy Jun 84)
24) "The Gods in Flight", Brian Aldiss (Interzone #9 Aut 84; Asimov's
mid-Dec 84)
25) "Strangeness, Charm and Spin", Kate Wilhelm (Light Years and Dark)
26) "The Eichmann Variations", George Zebrowski (Light Years and Dark)
27) "On Cannon Beach", Marta Randall (Asimov's Apr 84)
28) "Helpless, Helpless", Howard Waldrop (Light Years and Dark)
29) "The Scent of Silverdill", Richard Cowper (F&SF Jan 84)
30) "Crow", James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Sep 84)
31) "Barking Dogs", Terence M. Green (F&SF May 84)
Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1980-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 80s)