Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1980-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 80s)
Номинанты премии журнала "Локус" 1984 года
1984 Locus Award Nominations :
НФ роман (SF novel) :
1) Startide
Rising, David Brin (Bantam)
2) The Robots of Dawn, Isaac Asimov (Doubleday) - Айзек
Азимов "Роботы утренней зари"
3) Millennium, John Varley (Berkley)
4) Helliconia Summer, Brian Aldiss (Atheneum)
5) The Void Captain's Tale, Norman Spinrad (Timescape)
6) Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern, Anne McCaffrey (Del Rey) - Энн
Маккефри "Морита - повелительница драконов"
7) Thendara House, Marion Zimmer Bradley (DAW)
8) Against Infinity, Gregory Benford (Timescape)
9) Orion Shall Rise, Poul Anderson (Timescape)
10) The Nonborn King, Julian May (Houghton Mifflin)
11) Superluminal, Vonda N. McIntyre (Houghton Mifflin)
12) Welcome, Chaos, Kate Wilhelm (Houghton Mifflin)
13) The Crucible of Time, John Brunner (Del Rey)
14) Worlds Apart, Joe Haldeman (Viking)
15) Valentine Pontifex, Robert Silverberg (Arbor House) - Роберт
Силверберг "Валентин Понтифекс"
16) Gods of Riverworld, Philip Jose Farmer (Putnam) - Филип
Джоуз Фармер "Боги Мира Реки"
17) The Citadel of the Autarch, Gene Wolfe (Timescape) - Джин
Вулф "Цитадель Автарха"
18) Forty Thousand in Gehenna, C.J. Cherryh (Phantasia)
19) A Matter for Men, David Gerrold (Timescape)
20) The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica, John Calvin Batchelor
21) Wall Around a Star, Frederik Pohl & Jack Williamson (Del Rey)
22) Golden Witchbreed, Mary Gentle (Gollancz) - Мэри Джентл
"Золотые колдуны"
23) Broken Symmetries, Paul Preuss (Timescape)
24) Roderick at Random, John Sladek (Granada)
25) There Is No Darkness, Joe Haldeman & Jack C. Haldeman II (Ace)
26) Code of the Lifemaker, James P. Hogan (Del Rey) -Джеймс
Хоган "Кодекс жизнетворца"
27) Tik-Tok, John Sladek (Gollancz)
28) Transformer, M.A. Foster (DAW)
Фэнтези-роман (fantasy novel):
1) The Mists
of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley (Knopf)
2) The Anubis Gates, Tim Powers (Ace) - Тим
Пауэрс "Врата Анубиса"
3) The Armageddon Rag, George R.R. Martin (Poseidon)
4) Lyonesse, Jack Vance (Berkley)
5) White Gold Wielder, Stephen R. Donaldson (Del Rey)
6) Christine, Stephen King (Viking) - Стивен
Кинг "Кристина"
7) Pet Sematary, Stephen King (Doubleday) - Стивен
Кинг "Кладбище домашних любимцев"
8) The Dreamstone, C.J. Cherryh (DAW)
9) Damiano, R.A. MacAvoy (Bantam)
10) Neveryona, Samuel R. Delany (Bantam)
11) Dragon on a Pedestal, Piers Anthony (Del Rey)
12) Hart's Hope, Orson Scott Card (Berkley)
13*) Cugel's Saga, Jack Vance (Timescape)
13*) The Sword of Winter, Marta Randall (Timescape)
15) Tea with the Black Dragon, R.A. MacAvoy (Bantam)
16) Magician's Gambit, David Eddings (Del Rey)
17) The Tree of Swords and Jewels, C.J. Cherryh (DAW)
18) On a Pale Horse, Piers Anthony (Del Rey) - Пирс
Энтони "На коне бледном"
19) Floating Dragon, Peter Straub (Putnam)
20) The Neverending Story, Michael Ende (Doubleday)
21) Anackire, Tanith Lee (DAW)
22) The Dragon Waiting, John M. Ford (Timescape)
23) Sung in Shadow, Tanith Lee (DAW)
24) 'Ware Hawk!, Andre Norton (Atheneum)
25) The Silent Gondoliers, William Goldman [as by S. Morgenstern] (Del Rey)
26) The Sword Is Forged, Evangeline Walton (Timescape)
Первый роман (first novel):
1) Tea with the
Black Dragon, R.A. MacAvoy (Bantam)
2) The Blackcollar, Timothy Zahn (DAW)
3) A Rumor of Angels, M. Bradley Kellogg (NAL/Signet)
4) King's Blood Four, Sheri S. Tepper (Ace)
5) Starrigger, John DeChancie (Ace)
6) The Shadow of the Ship, Robert W. Franson (Del Rey)
7) Harpy's Flight, Megan Lindholm (Ace)
8) Anvil of the Heart, Bruce T. Holmes (Haven)
9) The Forest of App, Gloria Rand Dank (Greenwillow)
10) Ratha's Creature, Clare Bell (Atheneum/Argo)
Большая повесть (Novella):
1) "Her
Habiline Husband", Michael Bishop (Universe 13)
2) "Cascade Point", Timothy Zahn (Analog Dec 83)
3) "Seeking", David R. Palmer (Analog Feb 83)
4) "Homefaring", Robert Silverberg (Amazing Nov 83)
5) "Hardfought", Greg Bear (Asimov's Feb 83)
6) "Hurricane Claude", Hilbert Schenck (F&SF Apr 83)
7) "The Gospel According to Gamaliel Crucis", Michael Bishop (Asimov's
Nov 83)
8) "The Lord of the Skies", Frederik Pohl (Amazing Jul 83)
9) "The Curse of the Smalls and the Stars", Fritz Leiber (Heroic Fantasy)
10) "In the Face of My Enemy", Joseph H. Delaney (Analog Apr 83)
11) "Gilpin's Space", Reginald Bretnor (F&SF Feb 83)
12) "Aquila Meets Bigfoot", Somtow Sucharitkul (Amazing Jan 83)
13) "Eszterhazy and the Autogondola-Invention", Avram Davidson (Amazing
Nov 83)
Малая повесть (Novelette):
1) "The
Monkey Treatment", George R.R. Martin (F&SF Jul 83)
2) "Black Air", Kim Stanley Robinson (F&SF Mar 83)
3) "Slow-Birds", Ian Watson (F&SF Jun 83)
4) "Blood Music", Greg Bear (Analog Jun 83)
5) "Street Meat", Norman Spinrad (Asimov's mid-Dec 83)
6) "The Sidon in the Mirror", Connie Willis (Asimov's Apr 83)
7) "Multiples", Robert Silverberg (Omni Oct 83)
8*) "The Black Current", Ian Watson (F&SF Nov 83)
8*) "The Invasion of the Church of the Holy Ghost", Russell Kirk (F&SF
Dec 83)
10) "The Final Report on the Lifeline Experiment", Timothy Zahn (Analog
May 83)
11) "The Monkey's Bride", Michael Bishop (Heroic Visions)
12) "The Mind of Medea", Kate Wilhelm (Omni Jan 83)
13) "Blind Shemmy", Jack Dann (Omni Apr 83)
14) "And the Marlin Spoke", Michael Bishop (F&SF Oct 83)
15) "Remembering Siri", Dan Simmons (Asimov's Dec 83)
16) "Cicada Queen", Bruce Sterling (Universe 13) - Брюс
Стерлинг "Царица цикад"
17) "Into
Whose Hands", Karl Edward Wagner (Whispers IV)
18) "Belling Martha", Leigh Kennedy (Asimov's May 83)
19) "Red Star, Winter Orbit", Bruce Sterling & William Gibson
(Omni Jul 83)
20*) "In Whose Name Do We Seek the Quark?", Thomas Dulski (Analog
Sep 83)
20*) "Nunc Dimittis", Tanith Lee (The Dodd, Mead Gallery of Horror)
20*) "A Simple Case of Suicide", Marc Stiegler (Analog May 83)
23) "The Hills Behind Hollywood High", Avram Davidson & Grania
Davis (F&SF Apr 83)
24) "Deep Song", Reginald Bretnor (Amazing Sep 83)
25) "Life on the Tether", Mark Wheeler (F&SF Aug 83)
26) "A Day in the Life of Justin Argento Morrell", Greg Frost (F&SF
Jul 83
Рассказ (Short Story):
1) "Beyond
the Dead Reef", James Tiptree Jr (F&SF Jan 83)
2) "The Peacemaker", Gardner Dozois (Asimov's Aug 83)
3) "Spending a Day at the Lottery Fair", Frederik Pohl (F&SF Oct
4) "Servant of the People", Frederik Pohl (Analog Feb 83)
5) "Speech Sounds", Octavia E. Butler (Asimov's mid-Dec 83)
6) "Spook", Bruce Sterling (F&SF Apr 83)
7) "The Geometry of Narrative", Hilbert Schenck (Analog Aug 83)
8) "Wong's Lost and Found Emporium", William F. Wu (Amazing May 83)
9) "Her Furry Face", Leigh Kennedy (Asimov's mid-Dec 83)
10) "Brothers", Richard Cowper (F&SF Mar 83)
11) "Amanda and the Alien", Robert Silverberg (Omni May 83)
12) "Solitario's Eyes", Lucius Shepard (F&SF Sep 83)
13) "Needle in a Timestack", Robert Silverberg (Playboy Jun 83)
14) "Stone Eggs", Kim Stanley Robinson (Universe 13)
15) "Golden Gate", R.A. Lafferty (Golden Gate and Other Stories)
16) "Potential", Isaac Asimov (Asimov's Apr 83)
17) "Man-Mountain Gentian", Howard Waldrop (Omni Sep 83)
18) "La Ronde", Damon Knight (F&SF Oct 83)
19) "Revisions", Gordon Eklund (F&SF Feb 83)
20) "Basileus", Robert Silverberg (The Best of Omni #5) - Роберт
Силверберг "Базилиус"
21) "The Man Outside", George Alec Effinger [as by O. Niemand] (F&SF
Apr 83)
22) "$CALLLINK4(CATHY)", Cherie Wilkerson (Asimov's Apr 83)
Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1980-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 80s)