Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1980-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 80s)
Номинанты премии журнала "Локус" 1981 года
1981 Locus Award Nominations :
НФ роман (SF novel) :
1) The Snow
Queen, Joan D. Vinge (Dial)
2) Beyond the Blue Event Horizon, Frederik Pohl (Del Rey)
3) The Ringworld Engineers, Larry Niven (Phantasia; Holt) - Ларри
Нивен "Инженеры Кольца"
4) Wizard, John Varley (Berkley/Putnam)
5) Timescape, Gregory Benford (Simon & Schuster) - Грегори
Бенфорд "Панорама времен"
6) Mockingbird, Walter Tevis (Doubleday)
7) Serpent's Reach, C.J. Cherryh (DAW) - Кэролайн
Черри "Район Змеи"
8) Firestarter, Stephen King (Phantasia; Viking) - Стивен
Кинг "Несущая огонь"
9) The Number of the Beast, Robert A. Heinlein (Fawcett) - Роберт
Хайнлайн "Число зверя"
10) The Magic Labyrinth, Philip Jose Farmer (Berkley/Putnam) - Филип
Джоуз Фармер "Магический лабиринт"
11) Two to Conquer, Marion Zimmer Bradley (DAW)
12) Wild Seed, Octavia Butler (Doubleday) - Октавия
Батлер "Дикое племя"
13) Golem 100, Alfred Bester (Simon & Schuster)
14) Dragon's Egg, Robert L. Forward (Del Rey)
15) Dangerous Games, Marta Randall (Pocket)
16) Songs from the Stars, Norman Spinrad (Simon & Schuster)
17) Songmaster, Orson Scott Card (Dial)
18) Eyes of Fire, Michael Bishop (Pocket)
19*) The Gardens of Delight, Ian Watson (Gollancz)
19*) Molly Zero, Keith Roberts (Gollancz)
21) Thrice Upon a Time, James P. Hogan (Del Rey)
22) Waves, M.A. Foster (DAW)
23) First Channel, Jean Lorrah & Jacqueline Lichtenberg (Doubleday)
24) City Come A'Walking, John Shirley (Dell)
Фэнтези-роман (fantasy novel):
1) Lord Valentine's
Castle, Robert Silverberg (Harper & Row) - Роберт
Силверберг "Замок Лорда Валентина"
2) The Shadow of the Torturer, Gene Wolfe (Simon & Schuster) - Джин
Вулф "Пыточных дел мастер"
3) The Wounded Land, Stephen R. Donaldson (Del Rey)
4) Changeling, Roger Zelazny (Ace) - Роджер
Желязны "Подмененный"
5) The Northern Girl, Elizabeth A. Lynn (Berkley/Putnam)
6) Split Infinity, Piers Anthony (Del Rey) - Пирс Энтони
"Расколотая бесконечность"
7) The Beginning Place, Ursula K. Le Guin (Harper & Row)
8) The Vampire Tapestry, Suzy McKee Charnas (Simon & Schuster)
9) Shadowland, Peter Straub (Coward, McCann & Geoghegan)
10) "The Mist", Stephen King (Dark Forces Viking) - Стивен
Кинг "Туман" [="Твари", "Мгла"]
11) Ariosto, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (Pocket)
12) Kill the Dead, Tanith Lee (DAW)
13) Thorn, Fred Saberhagen (Ace)
14) Sabella, Tanith Lee (DAW)
15) After Dark, Manly Wade Wellman (Doubleday)
16) A Storm of Wings, M. John Harrison (Doubleday)
17) The Orphan, Robert Stallman (Pocket)
18) Duncton Wood, William Horwood (McGraw-Hill)
19) All Darkness Met, Glen Cook (Berkley)
20*) Firelord, Parke Godwin (Doubleday)
20*) Necropolis, Basil Copper (Arkham House)
22) Master of the Five Magics, Lyndon Hardy (Del Rey)
Первый роман (first novel):
1) Dragon's Egg,
Robert L. Forward (Del Rey)
2) The Orphan, Robert Stallman (Pocket)
3) Sundiver, David Brin (Bantam) - Дэвид
Брин "Прыжок в солнце"
4) Beyond Rejection, Justin Leiber (Del Rey)
5) The Gates of Heaven, Paul Preuss (Bantam)
6) Master of the Five Magics, Lyndon Hardy (Del Rey)
7) Hawk of May, Gillian Bradshaw (Simon & Schuster)
8) Still Forms on Foxfield, Joan Slonczewski (Del Rey)
9) Yearwood, Paul Hazel (Atlantic/Little, Brown)
10) Scavengers, David Skal (Pocket)
11) Web of Angels, John M. Ford (Pocket)
12) White Light, Rudy Rucker (Pocket)
13) The Man in the Darksuit, Dennis R. Caro (Pocket)
14) One On Me, Tim Huntley (DAW)
15) A Lost Tale, Dale Estey (St. Martin's)
Большая повесть (Novella):
1) "Nightflyers",
George R.R. Martin (Analog Apr 80) - Джордж
Р.Р. Мартин
"Летящие сквозь ночь"
2) The Patchwork Girl, Larry Niven (Ace)
3) "The Web of the Magi", Richard Cowper (F&SF Jun 80)
4) "The Autopsy", Michael Shea (F&SF Dec 80)
5) "Dangerous Games", Marta Randall (F&SF Apr 80)
6) "Unicorn Tapestry", Suzy McKee Charnas (New Dimensions 11)
7) "Slow Music", James Tiptree Jr (Interfaces)
8) "Lost Dorsai", Gordon R. Dickson (Destinies Vol. 2 No. 1) - Гордон
Р. Диксон "Потерянный"
9) "All the Lies that Are My Life", Harlan Ellison (F&SF Nov 80)
10) "Buoyant Ascent", Hilbert Schenck (Wave Rider; F&SF Mar 80)
11) "There Beneath the Silky-Trees and Whelmed in Deeper Gulphs Than Me",
Avram Davidson (Other Worlds 2)
12) "Soldier of an Empire Unacquainted with Defeat", Glen Cook (The
Berkley Showcase: Volume 2)
13) "One-Wing", George R.R. Martin & Lisa Tuttle (Analog Jan,Feb
14) "Le Croix (The Cross)", Barry Malzberg (Their Immortal Hearts)
15) "On the North Pole of Pluto", Kim Stanley Robinson (Orbit 21)
16) "Anasazi", Dean Ing (Analog Jul 80)
17) "Tell Us a Story", Zenna Henderson (F&SF Oct 80)
Малая повесть (Novelette):
1) "The
Brave Little Toaster", Thomas M. Disch (F&SF Aug 80)
2) "Beatnik Bayou", John Varley (New Voices III)
3) "The Way Station", Stephen King (F&SF Apr 80)
4) "Strata", Edward Bryant (F&SF Aug 80)
5) "The Ugly Chickens", Howard Waldrop (Universe 10) - Ховард
Уолдроп "Гадкие цыплята"
6) "The Lordly Ones", Keith Roberts (F&SF Mar 80)
7) "Feesters in the Lake", Bob Leman (F&SF Oct 80)
8) "Saving Face", Michael Bishop (Universe 10)
9) "Variation on a Theme from Beethoven", Sharon Webb (Asimov's Feb
10) "Tutor", J. Ray Dettling (Amazing Nov 80)
11) "The Feast of Saint Janis", Michael Swanwick (New Dimensions 11)
12) "Apotheosis of Myra", Walter Tevis (Playboy Jul 80)
13) "The Cloak and the Staff", Gordon R. Dickson (Analog Aug 80)
14) "Billy Big-Eyes", Howard Waldrop (The Berkley Showcase: Volume
15) "Savage Planet", Barry Longyear (Analog Feb 80)
16) "Scorched Supper on New Niger", Suzy McKee Charnas (New Voices
17) "Earth and Stone", Robert Holdstock (Interfaces)
18) "Raising the Green Lion", Janet Morris (The Berkley Showcase:
Volume 1)
19) "Ginungagap", Michael Swanwick (TriQuarterly Sum 80)
20) "Have You Heard the One…?", Spider Robinson (Analog Jun 80)
21) "The Curse of the Mhondoro Nkabele", Eric Norden (F&SF Sep
Рассказ (Short Story):
1) "Grotto
of the Dancing Deer", Clifford D. Simak (Analog Apr 80) - Клиффорд
Саймак "Грот танцующих оленей"
2) "Bug House", Lisa Tuttle (F&SF Jun 80)
3) "Our Lady of the Sauropods", Robert Silverberg (Omni Sep 80) -
Силверберг "Мадонна динозавров"
4) "Window", Bob Leman (F&SF May 80) - Боб
Леман "Окно"
5) "The Last Answer", Isaac Asimov (Analog Jan 80)
6) "The Detective of Dreams", Gene Wolfe (Dark Forces)
7) "Saint Amy's Tale", Orson Scott Card (Omni Dec 80)
8) "Frozen Journey", Philip K. Dick (Playboy Dec 80)
9) "The World Science Fiction Convention of 2080", Ian Watson (F&SF
Oct 80)
10) "Prairie Sun", Ed Bryant (Omni Oct 80)
11) "Prime Time", Norman Spinrad (Omni Nov 80)
12) "Secrets of the Heart", Charles L. Grant (F&SF Mar 80)
13) "A Sunday Visit with Great-Grandfather", Craig Strete (New Dimensions
14) "Rautavaara's Case", Philip K. Dick (Omni Oct 80) - Филип.
К. Дик "Дело Раутаваары"
15) "Men Like Us", David Drake (Omni May 80)
16) "Lindsay and the Red City Blues", Joe Haldeman (Dark Forces)
17) "War Beneath the Tree", Gene Wolfe (Omni Dec 79)
18) "Child of Darkness", P.C. Hodgell (The Berkley Showcase: Volume
19) "The Confession of Hamo", Mary Pangborn (Universe 10)
20) "The Fear that Men Call Courage", James Patrick Kelly (F&SF
Sep 80)
21) "Some of My Best Friends", Francois Camoin (Omni May 80)
22) "Antithesis", Michael Kube-McDowell (Amazing Feb 80)
23) "Spidersong", Susan C. Petrey (F&SF Sep 80)
Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1980-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 80s)