Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)
Номинанты премии журнала "Локус" 1978 года
1978 Locus Award Nominations :
НФ роман (SF novel) :
1) Gateway,
Frederik Pohl (St. Martin's)
2) In the Ocean of Night, Gregory Benford (Dial)
3) The Ophiuchi Hotline, John Varley (Dial)
4) Time Storm, Gordon R. Dickson (St. Martin's)
5) Michaelmas, Algis Budrys (Berkley/Putnam)
6) A Scanner Darkly, Philip K. Dick (Doubleday) - Филип
К. Дик "Помутнение"
7) The Dosadi Experiment, Frank Herbert (Berkley/Putnam)
8) Lucifer's Hammer, Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle (Playboy) - Ларри
Нивен, Джерри Пурнель "Молот Люцифера"
9) Dragonsinger, Anne McCaffrey (Atheneum) - Энн
Маккефри "Арфистка Менолли - певица Перна"
10) Dying of the Light, George R.R. Martin (Simon & Schuster) - Джордж
Р.Р.Мартин "Умирающий свет"
11) The Forbidden Tower, Marion Zimmer Bradley (DAW)
12) Hunter of Worlds, C.J. Cherryh (DAW)
13) Mirkheim, Poul Anderson (Berkley/Putnam)
14) The Dark Design, Philip Jose Farmer (Berkley/Putnam) - Филип
Джоуз Фармер "Темный замысел"
15) A Heritage of Stars, Clifford D. Simak (Berkley/Putnam) - Клиффорд
Саймак "Наследие звезд"
16) Cirque, Terry Carr (Bobbs-Merrill)
17) Moonstar Odyssey, David Gerrold (Signet)
18) Midnight at the Well of Stars, Jack Chalker (Ballantine/Del Rey)
19) Inherit the Stars, James P. Hogan (Ballantine/Del Rey)
20) All My Sins Remembered, Joe Haldeman (St. Martin's)
21) The Martian Inca, Ian Watson (Gollancz; Scribers)
22) A Little Knowledge, Michael Bishop (Berkley/Putnam)
23) If the Stars Are Gods, Gregory Benford & Gordon Eklund (Berkley/Putnam)
Фэнтези-роман (fantasy novel):
1) The Silmarillion,
J.R.R. Tolkien (Houghton Mifflin) - Дж.
Р. Р. Толкиен "Сильмариллион"
2) Our Lady of Darkness, Fritz Leiber (Berkley/Putnam)
3) The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, Stephen R. Donaldson (Holt)
- Стивен
Р. Дональдсон "Хроники Томаса Кавинанта Неверующего"
4) The Shining, Stephen King (Doubleday) -
Стивен Кинг "Сияние" [="Ясновидящий", "Странствующий
дьявол", "Монстры", "Свечение"]
5) The Sword of Shannara, Terry Brooks (Random) -Терри
Брукс "Меч Шаннары"
6) Sword of the Demon, Richard Lupoff (Harper & Row)
7) Heir of Sea and Fire, Patricia A. McKillip (Atheneum)
8) The Book of Merlyn, T.H. White (Texas Press)
9) A Spell for Chameleon, Piers Anthony (Del Rey) - Пирс Энтони
"Заклинание для Хамелеона"
10) The Grey Mane of Morning, Joy Chant (Allen & Unwin)
11) Cry Silver Bells, Thomas Burnett Swann (DAW)
12) Trey of Swords, Andre Norton (G&D)
13) Queens Walk in the Dusk, Thomas Burnett Swann (Heritage)
14) Silver on the Tree, Susan Cooper (Atheneum)
Большая повесть (Novella):
1) "Stardance",
Spider & Jeanne Robinson (Analog Mar 77)
2) "A Snark in the Night", Gregory Benford (F&SF Aug 77)
3) "Aztecs", Vonda N. McIntyre (2076: The American Tricentennial)
4) "Auk House", Clifford D. Simak (Stellar #3)
5) "The Mars Ship", Robert Thurston (F&SF Jun 77)
6) "In the Hall of the Martian Kings", John Varley (F&SF Feb 77)
- Джон
Варли "Во дворце марсианских царей"
7) "The Family Monkey", Lisa Tuttle (New Voices in Science Fiction)
8) "Cold Cash War", Robert Asprin (Analog Aug 77)
- Роберт
Асприн "Холодные финансовые войны"
9) "Joelle", Poul Anderson (Asimov's Fal 77)
10) "The Wonderful Secret", Keith Laumer (Analog Sep,Oct 77)
11) "Growing Boys", Robert Aickman (Tales of Love and Death)
12) "Equinoctial", John Varley (Ascents of Wonder)
13) "Heretic in a Balloon", L. Sprague de Camp (Asimov's Win 77)
Короткая форма (Short Fiction):
1) "Jeffty
Is Five", Harlan Ellison (F&SF Jul 77)
2) "The Screwfly Solution", James Tiptree Jr [as by Raccoona Sheldon]
(Analog Jun 77)
3) "Air Raid", John Varley [as by Herb Boehm] (Asimov's Spr 77)
4) "A Rite of Spring", Fritz Leiber (Universe 7)
5) "Eyes of Amber", Joan D. Vinge (Analog Jun 77)
6) "The Kugelmass Episode", Woody Allen (New Yorker May 77)
7) "The Stone City", George R.R. Martin (New Voices in Science Fiction)
- Джордж
Мартин "Каменный город"
8) "Particle Theory", Edward Bryant (Analog Feb 77)
9) "Ender's Game", Orson Scott Card (Analog Aug 77)
10) "The Bagful of Dreams", Jack Vance (Flashing Swords 4)
11) "The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs",
Carter Scholz (Universe 7)
12) "The House of Compassionate Sharers", Michael Bishop (Cosmos May
13) "The Big Fans", Keith Roberts (F&SF May 77)
14) "The Detweiler Boy", Tom Reamy (F&SF Apr 77)
15) "Prismatica", Samuel R. Delany (F&SF Oct 77)
16) "Good-bye, Robinson Crusoe", John Varley (Asimov's Spr 77)
17) "Camera Obscura", Thomas F. Monteleone (Cosmos Jul 77)
18) "Dog Day Evening", Spider Robinson (Analog Oct 77)
19*) "Bitterblooms", George R.R. Martin (Cosmos Nov 77) - Джордж
Р.Р.Мартин "Злоцветы"
19*) "Pinnocchio", Stanley Schmidt (Analog Jul 77)
21) "A Rain of Pebbles", Stephen Leigh (Analog Apr 77)
Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)