Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)
Номинанты премии журнала "Локус" 1977 года
1977 Locus Award Nominations :
Роман (novel) :
1) Where Late
the Sweet Birds Sang, Kate Wilhelm (Harper & Row)
2) Mindbridge, Joe Haldeman (St. Martin's) - Джо
Холдеман "Мост к разуму"
3) Man Plus, Frederik Pohl (F&SF Apr,May,Jun 76; Random) - Фредерик Пол "Человек Плюс"
4) Children of Dune, Frank Herbert (Analog Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr 76; Berkley/Putnam)
Фрэнк Херберт "Дети Дюны"
5) A World Out of Time, Larry Niven (Holt)
6) Shadrach in the Furnace, Robert Silverberg (Analog Aug,Sep,Oct 76; Bobbs-Merrill)
7) Imperial Earth, Arthur C. Clarke (Harcourt)
8) Millennium, Ben Bova (Random)
9) The Hand of Oberon, Roger Zelazny (Galaxy May,Jul,Sep 76; Doubleday) - Роджер
Желязны "Рука Оберона"
10) Brothers of Earth, C.J. Cherryh (DAW)
11) The Shattered Chain, Marion Zimmer Bradley (DAW)
12) Maske: Thaery, Jack Vance (Berkley/Putnam)
13) "Michaelmas", Algis Budrys (F&SF Aug,Sep 76)
14) Triton, Samuel R. Delany (Bantam)
15) The Clewiston Test, Kate Wilhelm (Farrar)
16) Dragonsong, Anne McCaffrey (Atheneum) - Энн
Маккефри "Арфистка Менолли - песни Перна"
17) Inferno, Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle (Pocket)
18) The Dragon and the George, Gordon R. Dickson (Ballantine) - Гордон
Р. Диксон "Дракон и Джордж"
19) Cloned Lives, Pamela Sargent (Fawcett)
20) The End of All Songs, Michael Moorcock (Harper & Row) - Майкл
Муркок "Конец всех песен"
21) Floating Worlds, Cecelia Holland (Knopf)
22) Time of the Fourth Horseman, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (Doubleday)
Большая повесть (Novella):
1) "The
Samurai and the Willows", Michael Bishop (F&SF Feb 76)
2) "Piper at the Gates of Dawn", Richard Cowper (F&SF Mar 76)
3) "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?", James Tiptree Jr (Aurora)
4) "The Anvil of Jove", Gregory Benford & Gordon Eklund (F&SF
Jul 76)
5) "The Eyeflash Miracles", Gene Wolfe (Future Power)
6) "Weather War", William E. Cochrane (Analog Sep 76)
7) "Media Man", Joan D. Vinge (Analog Oct 76)
8) "Birthdays", Fred Saberhagen (Galaxy Mar 76)
9) "By Any Other Name", Spider Robinson (Analog Nov 76)
10) "The Greenhouse Effect", Andrew J. Offutt (Stellar Short Novels)
11) "A Thrust of Greatness", Stanley Schmidt (Analog Jun 76)
12) "Plutonium", Arsen Darnay (Galaxy Mar 76)
13) "The Crystal Ship", Joan D. Vinge (The Crystal Ship) - Джоан Виндж "Хрустальный корабль"
Малая повесть (Novelette):
1) "The
Bicentennial Man", Isaac Asimov (Stellar #2)
2) "The Diary of the Rose", Ursula K. Le Guin (Future Power) - Урсула
К. Ле Гуин "Дневник Розы"
3) "Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance", John Varley (Galaxy Jul 76) - Джон
Варли "Споем, станцуем"
4) "The Phantom of Kansas", John Varley (Galaxy Feb 76)
5) "The Hertford Manuscript", Richard Cowper (F&SF Oct 76)
6) "The Psychologist Who Wouldn't Do Awful Things to Rats", James
Tiptree Jr (New Dimensions 6)
7) "Custer's Last Jump", Steven Utley & Howard Waldrop (Universe
8) "Meathouse Man", George R.R. Martin (Orbit 18)
9) "Bagatelle", John Varley (Galaxy Oct 76)
10) "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank", John Varley (Galaxy May 76)
11) "Woman Waiting", Lisa Tuttle (Lone Star Universe)
Рассказ (Short Story):
1) "Tricentennial",
Joe Haldeman (Analog Jul 76) - Джо
Холдеман "Трехсотлетие"
2) "I See You", Damon Knight (F&SF Nov 76)
3) "Custom Fitting", James White (Stellar #2) - Джеймс
Уайт "Примерка"
4) "The Death of Princes", Fritz Leiber (Amazing Jun 76)
5) "A
Crowd of Shadows", Charles L. Grant (F&SF Jun 76) - Чарлс
Л. Грант "Толпа теней"
6) "Seeing", Harlan Ellison (Andromeda)
7) "Paradise Beach", Richard Cowper (F&SF May 76)
8) "This Tower of Ashes", George R.R. Martin (Analog Annual) - Джордж
Мартин "Башня пепла"
9) "Mary Margaret Road-Grader", Howard Waldrop (Orbit 18)
10) "Appearance of Life", Brian W. Aldiss (Andromeda)
11) "From A to Z, In the Chocolate Alphabet", Harlan Ellison (F&SF
Oct 76)
12) "The Never Ending Western Movie", Robert Sheckley (SF Discoveries)
- Роберт
Шекли "Бусконечный вестерн"
13) "Stone Circle", Lisa Tuttle (Amazing Mar 76)
14) "An Infinite Summer", Christopher Priest (Andromeda)
15) "Con Artist", P.J. Plauger (Analog Dec 76)
Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)