Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)

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Номинанты премии журнала "Локус" 1976 года

 1976 Locus Award Nominations :

Роман (novel) :

1) The Forever War, Joe Haldeman (St. Martin's) - Джо Холдеман "Бесконечная война"
2) The Shockwave Rider, John Brunner (Harper & Row)
3) The Computer Connection (mg title "The Indian Giver"), Alfred Bester (Berkley; Analog Nov,Dec 74, Jan 75) - Альфрред Бестер "Дьявольский интерфейс"
4) The Stochastic Man, Robert Silverberg (F&SF Apr,May,Jun 75; Harper & Row)
5) Dhalgren, Samuel R. Delany (Bantam)
6) Imperial Earth, Arthur C. Clarke (Gollancz; Harcourt)
7) The Heritage of Hastur, Marion Zimmer Bradley (DAW)
8) Doorways in the Sand, Roger Zelazny (Analog Jun,Jul,Aug 75; Harper & Row) - Роджер Желязны "Двери в песке"
9) Norstrilia, Cordwainer Smith (Ballantine)
10) The Female Man, Joanna Russ (Bantam)
11) Sign of the Unicorn, Roger Zelazny (Galaxy Jan,Feb,Mar 75; Doubleday) - Роджер Желязны "Знак Единорога"
12) "Inferno", Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle (Galaxy Aug,Sep,Oct 75)
13) Showboat World, Jack Vance (Pyramid)
14) A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire, Michael Bishop (Ballantine)
15) The Exile Waiting, Vonda N. McIntyre (Fawcett)
16) Blake's Progress, Ray Nelson (Laser)
17) Warriors of Dawn, M.A. Foster (DAW) - Майкл Фостер "Воины Рассвета"
18) Lifeboat, Gordon R. Dickson & Harry Harrison (Analog Feb,Mar,Apr 75; Harper & Row) - Гордон Р. Диксон, Гарри Гаррисон "Спасательная шлюпка"
19) Illuminatus!, Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson (Dell)
20) The Birthgrave, Tanith Lee (DAW) - Танит Ли "Восставшая из пепла"
21) Missing Man, Katherine MacLean (Putnam)

Большая повесть (Novella):

1) "The Storms of Windhaven", Lisa Tuttle & George R.R. Martin (Analog May 75)
2) "Home Is the Hangman", Roger Zelazny (Analog Nov 75) - Роджер Желязны "Возвращение палача"
3) "The Borderland of Sol", Larry Niven (Analog Jan 75)
4) "The Silent Eyes of Time", Algis Budrys (F&SF Nov 75)
5) "ARM", Larry Niven (Epoch)
6) "The Custodians", Richard Cowper (F&SF Oct 75)
7) "A Momentary Taste of Being", James Tiptree Jr (The New Atlantis)
8) "Allegiances", Michael Bishop (Galaxy Feb 75)
9) "Silhouette", Gene Wolfe (The New Atlantis)
10) "Mother and Child", Joan D. Vinge (Orbit 16)
11) "Ancient Shadows", Michael Moorcock (New Worlds 9)
12) "Sharking Down", Edward Bryant (Vertex Feb 75)

Малая повесть (Novelette):

1) "The New Atlantis", Ursula K. Le Guin (The New Atlantis)
2) "Down to a Sunless Sea", Cordwainer Smith (F&SF Oct 75) - Кордвейнер Смит "Погружение в море мрака"
3) "And Seven Times Never Kill Man", George R.R. Martin (Analog Jul 75) - Джордж Р.Р.Мартин "...И берегись двуногого кровь пролить"
4) "Retrograde Summer", John Varley (F&SF Feb 75) - Джон Варли "Ретроградное лето"
5) "A Galaxy Called Rome", Barry N. Malzberg (F&SF Jul 75)
6) ""…for a single yesterday"", George R.R. Martin (Epoch) - Джордж Р.Р.Мартин "...Лишь за одно вчера"
7) "In the Bowl", John Varley (F&SF Dec 75) - Джон Варли "В чаше"
8) "Sandsnake Hunter", Gordon Eklund (F&SF Mar 75)
9) "The Black Hole Passes", John Varley (F&SF Jun 75)
10) "Polly Charms, the Sleeping Woman", Avram Davidson (F&SF Feb 75)
11) "Cambridge 1:58 A.M.", Gregory Benford (Epoch)
12) "San Diego Lightfoot Sue", Tom Reamy (F&SF Aug 75)
13) "The Venging", Greg Bear (Galaxy Jun 75)
14) "End Game", Joe Haldeman (Analog Jan 75)
15) "Blooded on Arachne", Michael Bishop (Epoch)

Рассказ (Short Story):

1) "Croatoan", Harlan Ellison (F&SF May 75)
2) "The Mother Trip", Frederik Pohl (F&SF Oct 75)
3) "Child of All Ages", P.J. Plauger (Analog Mar 75)
4) "Sail the Tide of Mourning", Richard Lupoff (New Dimensions 5)
5) "Doing Lennon", Gregory Benford (Analog Apr 75)
6) "Sierra Maestra", Norman Spinrad (Analog Oct 75)
7) "Rogue Tomato", Michael Bishop (New Dimensions 5)
8) "Anniversary Project", Joe Haldeman (Analog Oct 75)
9) "Beyond Grayworld", Gregory Benford (Analog Jul 75)
10) "Find the Lady", Nicholas Fisk (New Dimensions 5)
11) "Catch That Zeppelin!", Fritz Leiber (F&SF Mar 75)
12) "All the Charms of Sycorax", Alan Brennert (Analog Oct 75)
13) "Clay Suburb", Robert Young (Amazing Nov 75)
14) "Shatterday", Harlan Ellison (Gallery Sep 75)

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Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)

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