Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)

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Номинанты премии журнала "Локус" 1975 года

 1975 Locus Award Nominations :

Роман (novel) :

1) The Dispossessed, Ursula K. Le Guin (Harper & Row) - Урсула К. Ле Гуин "Обездоленные"
2) The Mote in God's Eye, Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle (Simon & Schuster) - Ларри Нивен, Джерри Пурнель "Мошка в заднице господней"
3) Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, Philip K. Dick (Doubleday)
4) The Godwhale, T.J. Bass (Ballantine)
5) The Unsleeping Eye, D.G. Compton (DAW)
6) The Inverted World, Christopher Priest (Galaxy Dec 73, Jan,Feb,Mar 74; Harper & Row) - Кристофер Прист "Опрокинутый мир"
7) Fire Time, Poul Anderson (Doubleday) - Пол Андерсон "Время огня"
8) The Forever War, Joe Haldeman (St. Martin's)
9) The Dream Millennium, James White (Ballantine)
10) The Twilight of Briareus, Richard Cowper (Gollancz)
11) The Company of Glory, Edgar Pangborn (Galaxy Aug,Sep,Oct 74; Pyramid)
12) The Domains of Koryphon, Jack Vance (Amazing Aug,Oct 74; Bobbs Merrill)
13) The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, Patricia A. McKillip (Atheneum)
14) How Are the Mighty Fallen, Thomas Burnett Swann (DAW)
15) Total Eclipse, John Brunner (Amazing Apr,Jun 74; Doubleday)
16) The Destruction of the Temple, Barry N. Malzberg (Pocket)
17) "Star Gate", Tak Hallus (Analog Jun,Jul,Aug 74)
18) Star Rider, Doris Piserchia (Bantam)
19) A Midsummer Tempest, Poul Anderson (Doubleday)
20) Prince of Annwn, Evangeline Walton (Ballantine)
21) Walk to the End of the World, Suzy McKee Charnas (Ballantine)
22) Icerigger, Alan Dean Foster (Ballantine) - Алан Дин Фостер "Ледовое снаряжение"
23) "A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows", Poul Anderson (If Sep/Oct,Dec 74)

Большая повесть (Novella):

1) "Born with the Dead", Robert Silverberg (F&SF Apr 74) - Роберт Силверберг "Рожденный со смертью"
2) "A Song for Lya", George R.R. Martin (Analog Jun 74)
3) "Riding the Torch", Norman Spinrad (Threads of Time)
4) "Assault on a City", Jack Vance (Universe 4)
5) "Strangers", Gardner Dozois (New Dimensions IV)
6) "The Marathon Photograph", Clifford D. Simak (Threads of Time)
7) "The Araqnid Window", Charles Harness (Amazing Dec 74)
8) "On the Street of the Serpents", Michael Bishop (SF Emphasis #1)
9) "Father", Pamela Sargent (Amazing Feb 74)
10) "Tin Soldier", Joan D. Vinge (Orbit 14)
11) "Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang", Kate Wilhelm (Orbit 15)
12) "Threads of Time", Gregory Benford (Threads of Time)
13) "The East Coast Confinement", Arsen Darnay (Galaxy Oct 74)
14) "The Kozmic Kid", Richard Snead (Fantastic Jul 74)

Малая повесть (Novelette):

1) "Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38° 54' N, Longitude 77° 00' 13" W", Harlan Ellison (F&SF Oct 74)
2) "The Pre-Persons", Philip K. Dick (F&SF Oct 74)
3) "That Thou Art Mindful of Him", Isaac Asimov (F&SF May 74)
4) "I'm Looking for Kadak", Harlan Ellison (Wandering Stars)
5) "On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi", William Tenn (Wandering Stars) - Уильям Тенн "Венера - планета мужчин" [="Так и у нас на Венере есть робби!"]
6) "Twig", Gordon R. Dickson (Stellar 1)
7) "Nix Olympica", William Walling (Analog Dec 74)
8) "If the Stars Are Gods", Gordon Eklund & Gregory Benford (Universe 4)
9) "After the Dreamtime", Richard Lupoff (New Dimensions IV)
10) "The Seventeen Virgins", Jack Vance (F&SF Oct 74)
11) "The Raven and the Hawk", William Rotsler (Analog Sep 74)
12) "Getting Home", F.M. Busby (F&SF Apr 74)
13) "Whale Song", Terry Melen (Analog Sep 74)
14) "Catman", Harlan Ellison (Final Stage)
15) "The Gift of Garigolli", Frederik Pohl & C.M. Kornbluth (Galaxy Aug 74)
16) "Whatever Happened to Nick Neptune?", Richard Lupoff (F&SF Jun 74)
17) "A Brother to Dragons, a Companion to Owls", Kate Wilhelm (Orbit 14)
18) "A Little Something for Us Tempunauts", Philip K. Dick (Final Stage)
19) "Gato - O", Don Picard (SF Emphasis #1)
20) "A Matter of Gravity", Randall Garrett (Analog Oct 74)
21) "And Keep Us from Our Castles", Cynthia Bunn (Analog Aug 74)
22) "Forlesen", Gene Wolfe (Orbit 14)
23) "Under Siege", Robert Thurston (F&SF Jul 74)

Рассказ (Short Story):

1) "The Day Before the Revolution", Ursula K. Le Guin (Galaxy Aug 74) - Урсула К. Ле Гуин "За день до революции"
2) "The Hole Man", Larry Niven (Analog Jan 74) -
Ларри Нивен "Дырявый"
3) "Schwartz Between the Galaxies", Robert Silverberg (Stellar 1)
4) "'The Author of the Acacia Seeds' and Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics", Ursula K. Le Guin (Fellowship of the Stars) -
Урсула К. Ле Гуин "Автор "записок на семенах акации"
5) "The Engine at Heartspring's Center", Roger Zelazny (Analog Jul 74)
6) "The Four-Hour Fugue", Alfred Bester (Analog Jun 74) - Альфрред Бестер "Четырехчасовая фуга"
7) "Cathadonian Odyssey", Michael Bishop (F&SF Sep 74)
8) "Enter a Pilgrim", Gordon R. Dickson (Analog Aug 74)
9) "Midnight by the Morphy Watch", Fritz Leiber (If Aug 74)
10) "Royal Licorice", R.A. Lafferty (Orbit 14)
11) "We Purchased People", Frederik Pohl (Final Stage)
12) "The Stars Below", Ursula K. Le Guin (Orbit 14) -
Урсула К. Ле Гуин "Звезды под ногами"
13) "Do You Know Dave Wenzel?", Fritz Leiber (Fellowship of the Stars)
14) "Mysterious Doings at the Metropolitan Museum", Fritz Leiber (Universe 5)
15) "In the House of Double Minds", Robert Silverberg (Vertex Aug 74)
16) "The Mountains of Sunset, the Mountains of Dawn", Vonda N. McIntyre (F&SF Feb 74)
17) "Willowisp", Joe Pumilia (SF Emphasis #1)
18) "Enjoy, Enjoy", Frederik Pohl (Fellowship of the Stars)
19) "Mute Inglorious Tam", Frederik Pohl & C.M. Kornbluth (F&SF Oct 74)

Роман всех времен (ALL TIME NOVEL):
1) Dune, Frank Herbert (Chilton 1965)
2) Childhood's End, Arthur C. Clarke - Артур Кларк "Конец детства"
3) The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin (Ace 1969) -
Урсула К. Ле Гуин "Левая рука тьмы"
4) Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein (Putnam's 1961) -
Роберт А. Хайнлайн "Чужой в чужой земле"
5) A Canticle for Leibowitz, Walter M. Miller Jr (Lippincott 1959) -
Уолтер Миллер "Гимн Лейбовичу"
6) The Foundation Trilogy, Isaac Asimov -
Айзек Азимов - сериал "Основание"
7) The Stars My Destination, Alfred Bester
8) The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, Robert A. Heinlein (Putnam's 1966) -
Роберт А. Хайнлайн "Луна - суровая хозяйка"
9) More Than Human, Theodore Sturgeon
10) Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny (Doubleday 1967) -
Роджер Желязны "Бог Света"
11) Stand on Zanzibar, John Brunner (Doubleday 1968)
12) Ringworld, Larry Niven (Ballantine 1970)
13) The Dispossessed, Ursula K. Le Guin (Harper & Row) -
Урсула К. Ле Гуин "Обездоленные"
14) The Demolished Man, Alfred Bester (Galaxy Jan,Feb,Mar 1952)
- Альфред Бестер "Человек без лица"
15) The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien - Джон Рональд Руэл Толкиен "Властелин Колец"
16) Mission of Gravity, Hal Clement
17*) The City and the Stars, Arthur C. Clarke - Артур Кларк "Город и звёзды"
17*) To Your Scattered Bodies Go, Philip JosИ Farmer (Putnam 1971)
19) Dying Inside, Robert Silverberg (Galaxy Jul,Sep 1972)
20*) Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke (Galaxy Sep,Oct 1973) - Артур Кларк "Свидание с Рамой"
20*) The Time Machine, H.G. Wells - Герберт Уэллс "Машина времени"
22*) The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick (Putnam's 1962)
22*) Starship Troopers, Robert A. Heinlein (Putnam 1959) -
Роберт А. Хайнлайн "Звездная пехота"
24*) The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury - Рэй Брэдбери "Марсианские хроники"
24*) The Space Merchants, Frederik Pohl & C.M. Kornbluth
24*) The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells - Герберт Уэллс "Война миров"
27) Cities in Flight, James Blish - Джеймс Блиш "Города в полете"
28*) 2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke - Артур Кларк "2001: Космическая одиссея"
28*) A Case of Conscience, James Blish (Ballantine 1958) - Джеймс Блиш "Аргументы совести"
30*) The Caves of Steel, Isaac Asimov - Айзек Азимов "Стальные пещеры"
30*) Last and First Men, Olaf Stapledon
30*) Star Maker, Olaf Stapledon
30*) Time Enough for Love, Robert A. Heinlein (Putnam 1973) - Роберт Хайнлайн "Достаточно времени для любви"
34*) Davy, Edgar Pangborn (St. Martin's 1964)
34*) The Dragon in the Sea, Frank Herbert
36*) Babel-17, Samuel R. Delany (Ace 1966)
36*) The Door Into Summer, Robert A. Heinlein - Роберт Хайнлайн "Дверь в лето"
36*) Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes (Harcourt, Brace & World 1966) - Дэниел Киз "Цветы для Элджернона"
36*) A Mirror for Observers, Edgar Pangborn - Эдгар Пэнгборн "Зеркало для наблюдателей"
36*) The Witches of Karres, James H. Schmitz (Chilton 1966) - Джеймс Шмиц "Ведьмы Карреса"
41*) Nineteen Eight-Four, George Orwell - Джордж Оруэлл "1984"
41*) Rite of Passage, Alexei Panshin (Ace 1968)

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Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)

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