Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)

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Номинанты премии журнала "Локус" 1974 года

 1974 Locus Award Nominations :

Роман (novel) :

1) Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke (Galaxy Sep,Oct 73; Harcourt) - Артур Ч. Кларк "Свидание с Рамой"
2) Time Enough for Love, Robert A. Heinlein (Putnam) - Роберт Хайнлайн "Достаточно времени для любви"
3) The People of the Wind, Poul Anderson (Signet) - Пол Андерсон "Люди ветра"
4) Protector, Larry Niven (Ballantine) - Ларри Нивен "Защитник"
5) The Man Who Folded Himself, David Gerrold (Random)
6) Trullion: Alastor 2262, Jack Vance (Amazing Mar,Jun 73; Ballantine)
7) "The Far Call", Gordon R. Dickson (Analog Aug,Sep,Oct 73)
8) To Die In Italbar, Roger Zelazny (Doubleday) - Роджер Желязны "Умереть в Италбаре"
9) Today We Choose Faces, Roger Zelazny (Signet) - Роджер Желязны "Теперь мы выбираем лица"
10) The Cloud Walker, Edmond Cooper (Ballantine)
11) Relatives, George Alec Effinger (Harper & Row)
12) Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon (Viking)
13) Herovit's World, Barry N. Malzberg (Random)
14) Hiero's Journey, Sterling Lanier (Chilton) - Стерлинг Ланье "Путешествие Иеро"
15) The Doomsday Gene, John Boyd (Galaxy May/Jun,Jul/Aug 73; Weybright & Talley)

Большая повесть (Novella):

1) "The Death of Doctor Island", Gene Wolfe (Universe 3)
2) "The White Otters of Childhood", Michael Bishop (F&SF Jul 73)
3) "The Feast of St. Dionysus", Robert Silverberg (An Exaltation of Stars)
4) "Sketches Among the Ruins of My Mind", Philip Jose Farmer (Nova 3)
5) "Chains of the Sea", Gardner Dozois (Chains of the Sea)
6) "The Defenseless Dead", Larry Niven (Ten Tomorrows)
7) "Death and Designation Among the Asadi", Michael Bishop (If Feb 73)
8) "Rumfuddle", Jack Vance (Three Trips in Time and Space)
9) "The Safety Engineer", S. Kye Boult (The Alien Condition)
10) "In the Problem Pit", Frederik Pohl (F&SF Sep 73)
11) "Junction", Jack Dann (Fantastic Nov 73)
12) "My Brother Leopold", Edgar Pangborn (An Exaltation of Stars)
13) "'Kjwalll'kje'k'koothailll'kje'k", Roger Zelazny (An Exaltation of Stars)
14) "Case and the Dreamer", Theodore Sturgeon (Galaxy Jan 73) - Теодор Старджон "Кейз и мечтатель"

Малая форма (Short Fiction):

1) "The Deathbird", Harlan Ellison (F&SF Mar 73)
2) "Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand", Vonda N. McIntyre (Analog Oct 73)
3) "Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Death", James Tiptree Jr (The Alien Condition)
4) "The Girl Who Was Plugged In", James Tiptree Jr (New Dimensions 3) - Джеймс Типтри "Девочка, которую подключили"
5) "Ms. Found in an Abandoned Time Machine", Robert Silverberg (Ten Tomorrows)
6) "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas", Ursula K. Le Guin (New Dimensions 3) -
Урсула К. Ле Гуин "Те, кто покидает Омелас"
7) "Wings", Vonda N. McIntyre (The Alien Condition)
8) "With Morning Comes Mistfall", George R.R. Martin (Analog May 73) - Джордж Мартин "Мистфаль приходит утром"
9) "Mud Violet", R.A. Lafferty (Demon Kind)
10) "In the Group", Robert Silverberg (Eros in Orbit)
11*) "The Field of Vision", Ursula K. Le Guin (Galaxy Oct 73) -
Урсула К. Ле Гуин "Поле зрения"
11*) "Many Mansions", Robert Silverberg (Universe 3)
13*) "The Answer", Terry Carr (Tomorrow's Alternatives)
13*) "Barnaby's Clock", R.A. Lafferty (Showcase)
13*) "Brothers", Gordon R. Dickson (Astounding)
16) "The World Is a Sphere", Edgar Pangborn (Universe 3)
17) "Epilog", Clifford D. Simak (Astounding)
18) "The Women Men Don't See", James Tiptree Jr (F&SF Dec 73)

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Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)

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