Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)

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Номинанты премии журнала "Локус" 1973 года

 1973 Locus Award Nominations :

Роман (novel) :

1) The Gods Themselves, Isaac Asimov (Galaxy Mar/Apr 72, If Mar/Apr 72, Galaxy May/Jun 72; Doubleday)
2) The Book of Skulls, Robert Silverberg (Scribners)
3) Dying Inside, Robert Silverberg (Galaxy Jul/Aug,Sep/Oct 72; Scribners)
4) When Harlie Was One, David Gerrold (SF Book Club; Ballantine)
5) A Choice of Gods, Clifford D. Simak (Putnam) - Клиффорд Саймак "Выбор богов"
6) The Sheep Look Up, John Brunner (Harper)
7) There Will Be Time, Poul Anderson (SF Book Club; Signet) - Пол Андерсон "Настанет время"
8) The Listeners, James E. Gunn (Scribners) - Джеймс Ганн "Внемлющие небесам"
9) The Guns of Avalon, Roger Zelazny (Doubleday) - Роджер Желязны "Ружья Авалона"
10) The Iron Dream, Norman Spinrad (Avon)
11) The Fifth Head of Cerberus, Gene Wolfe (Scribners)
12) What Entropy Means to Me, Geo. Alec Effinger (Doubleday)
13) The Pritcher Mass, Gordon R. Dickson (Analog Aug,Sep,Oct 72; Doubleday) - Гордон Р. Диксон "Масса Притчера"
14) "The Brave , Free Men", Jack Vance (F&SF Jul,Aug 72)
15) Deryni Checkmate, Katherine Kurtz (Ballantine) - Кэтрин Куртц "Шахматная партия Дерини"
16) Beyond Apollo, Barry N. Malzberg (Random)
17*) Other Days, Other Eyes, Bob Shaw (Ace) - Боб Шоу "Свет былого"
17*) "A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah" (bk title Tunnel Through the Deeps), Harry Harrison (Analog Apr,May,Jun 72; Putnam) - Гарри Гаррисон "Да здраствует трансатлантический тунель! Ура!"
19) Yesterday's Children, David Gerrold (Dell)
20) The Castle Keeps, Andrew J. Offutt (Berkley)
21) Beyond the Resurrection, Gordon Eklund (Doubleday)

Большая повесть (Novella):

1) "The Gold at the Starbow's End", Frederik Pohl (Analog Mar 72)
2) "The Word for World Is Forest", Ursula K. Le Guin (Again, Dangerous Visions) - Урсула К. Ле Гуин "Слово для леса и мира - одно"
3) "The Fifth Head of Cerberus", Gene Wolfe (Orbit 10) - Джин Вульф "Пятая голова цербера"
4) "Hero", Joe Haldeman (Analog Jun 72)
5) "Midsummer Century", James Blish (F&SF Apr 72) - Джеймс Блиш "Век лета"
6) "With the Bentfin Boomer Boys on Little Old New Alabama", Richard A. Lupoff (Again, Dangerous Visions)
7) "The Merchants of Venus", Frederik Pohl (If Aug 72)
8) "Things Which are Caesar's", Gordon R. Dickson (The Day the Sun Stood Still)
9) "334", Thomas M. Disch (New Worlds Quarterly 4)
10) "Seventy Years of DecPop", Philip Jose Farmer (Galaxy Jul 72)
11) "What Good Is a Glass Dagger?", Larry Niven (F&SF Sep 72)
12) "The Mercenary", Jerry Pournelle (Analog Jul 72) - Джерри Пурнель "Наемник"
13*) "Collision Course", S. Kye Boult (Analog Jul 72)
13*) "Common Denominator", David Lewis (Analog Oct 72)
13*) "Solo Kill", S. Kye Boult (Analog May 72)
16) "Love is a Dragonfly", Thomas Burnett Swann (F&SF Mar 72)
17) "In the Ocean of Night", Gregory Benford (If Jun 72)
18) "Son of the Morning", Phyllis Gotlieb (F&SF Jun 72)

Малая форма (Short Fiction):

1) "Basilisk", Harlan Ellison (F&SF Aug 72)
2) "Patron of the Arts", William Rotsler (Universe 2)
3) "Goat Song", Poul Anderson (F&SF Feb 72)
4) "And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side", James Tiptree Jr (F&SF Mar 72)
5) "A Kingdom by the Sea", Gardner Dozois (Orbit 10)
6) "When It Changed", Joanna Russ (Again, Dangerous Visions) -
Джоанна Расс "Когда все изменилось"
7) "The Second Kind of Loneliness", George R.R. Martin (Analog Dec 72) -
Джордж Р.Р.Мартин "Второй род одиночества"
8) "Painwise", James Tiptree Jr (F&SF Feb 72)
9) "The Meeting", Frederik Pohl & C.M. Kornbluth (F&SF Nov 72)
10) "The Funeral", Kate Wilhelm (Again, Dangerous Visions)
11) "Man's Reach", Anthony Boucher (F&SF Nov 72)
12) "Caliban", Robert Silverberg (Infinity 3)
13) "On the Downhill Side", Harlan Ellison (Universe 2)
14*) "Nobody's Home", Joanna Russ (New Dimensions 2)
14*) "When We Went to See the End of the World", Robert Silverberg (Universe 2) - Роберт Силверберг "Конец света"
16*) "The Big Space Fuck", Kurt Vonnegut Jr (Again, Dangerous Visions) - Курт Воннегут "Большое космическое трахание"
16*) "Eurema's Dam", R.A. Lafferty (New Dimensions 2)
18*) "The Milk of Paradise", James Tiptree Jr (Again, Dangerous Visions)
18*) "(Now+n), (Now-n)", Robert Silverberg (Nova 2)

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Лауреаты премии журнала "Локус" 1970-х годов (Locus Award Winners - 70s)

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